Trevor Noah labels Meryl Streep tone-deaf for disrespecting football & MMA


Meryl Streep’s Golden Globe speech is still being discussed, just as I hoped and predicted. I want to say that the support for Meryl is overwhelming, but that’s not true. I somehow got tagged in some sort of butthurt Deplorable tweet-athon, so I’ve glanced through some of the negative reactions people have had to Meryl’s takedown of President Baby Fists. It’s almost as if Donald Trump’s nasty and dumb tweets gave his supporters permission to act like a—holes to and about Meryl Streep, you know? Anyway, I thought almost everyone in Hollywood and the media and their adjacent industries would only have positive things to say about Meryl’s speech. But criticism came from a weird place on Monday night: Trevor Noah at the Daily Show got a little nitpicky about one line in the speech. Meryl told the crowd:

“Hollywood is crawling with outsiders and foreigners. And if you kick ’em all out, you’ll have nothing to watch but football and mixed martial arts, which are not the arts.”

If I’m being honest, that line stuck out to me, but I interpreted it more as “don’t confuse bloodsport with actual artistic achievements and creations.” Not to mention that there are a lot of athletes from other countries who come to America to play sports, so if we kick out all of the outsiders and foreigners, baseball, soccer, tennis and basketball will start to suck too. Anyway, Trevor Noah bitched about it, saying:

“It was really great except for this one tiny part, for me, where Meryl Streep, like her character in Florence Foster Jenkins, was tone-deaf…I understand what Meryl Streep was trying to do and I don’t know if I could have done better, but here’s the thing I feel like we could all learn as people. You don’t have to make your point by sh-tting on someone else’s thing, because a lot of people love football and the arts… I know yesterday, I was watching the football with friends, and then I went on to watch the Golden Globes. A lot of the time, football and arts go hand-in-hand… It was a speech about respect, it was a speech about empathy, and most importantly, it was a speech about responsibility.”

[Via Vulture]

Yeah… no. Some of you have come to me on Twitter and in the comments, trying to convince me that Trevor Noah has gotten better at this, that he’s grown a lot in his role as host of TDS. But every time I watch a clip these days, I just feel like… other people are doing it better and making better points. And here’s a real question: are football fans or martial arts fans really that f—king offended that Meryl Streep doesn’t get their thing? Some people like football, some people like movies, some people like both and no one going to start a nuclear war over Meryl not giving a sh-t about football. Unless that’s President Baby Fists’ latest beef. To label Meryl as “tone-deaf” for suggesting that mixed martial arts aren’t really “arts”… just NO. She IS tone-deaf, for sure. But not because of that.


Photos courtesy of WENN.
