Courtney Love had gastric band surgery

Courtney Love has had gastric bypass surgery to lose weight, and is rather amused that we all bought her story that the loss came from half starving herself and detoxing.

The former Hole singer, 44, once wrote on her blog that she was inspired to lose weight by Oprah Winfrey who got thin by drinking slimming drinks.

But a source told the the News of the World: ‘Courtney keeps laughing to her friends and saying, ‘Everyone thinks I’ve had hypnosis but why bother with all that effort? All I did was check myself in and have a fat band fitted’.

‘Courtney has always had problems with her appearance and is convinced she is ugly and fat. Two years ago she had a gastric band fitted at a surgery in Beverly Hills.

‘Lots of doctors refused to do it as she was nowhere near obese, just a little overweight, but eventually she found one.

‘And as soon as she had the operation the excess weight started to drop off her. Now she is just skin and bones and looks terrible.’

Daily Mail

Courtney might think it’s funny that we all fell for her ruse, but we weren’t the ones who got cut open, fitted with a surgical device then sewn up again at great expense. Although, no one was really going to follow Courtney’s advice as – apart from the fact she’s a raving maniac – she claims to have lost weight using meal substitute shakes and detoxing. I’m trying to decide whether the surgery or the diets would be more torture.

Courtney recently claimed that someone has stolen Kurt Cobain’s ashes from her, and an Australian artist says she’s going to smoke them to set him free. So much for the more traditional practice of scattering them gently on a hillside. Courtney has made no statement about this, but hopefully she’ll get them back. Regardless of the ‘artistic merit’ of smoking Kurt (why do I suspect that he won’t be going alone, but rather indulged in a large joint?) I think his widow probably deserves to decide exactly how to set him free.

Here’s Courtney Love in Hawaii on 3/29/07. Credit: EDO/COB/Fame Pictures
