What is wrong with Janice Dickinsons face this time?

There are only two things in the world I that I find intolerably frightening: moths and Janice Dickinson. While the winged messengers of Satan can generally be avoided by keeping the windows closed in the summertime, photos of Janice Dickinson parading her gangly ass around town sadly cannon.

WENN found Janice walking around Sunset Boulevard without the slightest bit of shame as she flouted her GorTex-enhanced trout pout. Even for Janice, these lips are legendary. They put all other embarrassing cases of fish lips to shame. How in the world could she think this looks good on her? It seems like she’s trying to balance out her bottom-heavy face with those glasses, but in this case they just emphasize her aquatic appearance.

Here’s Janice Dickinson leaving Starbucks on Sunset Boulevard with coffee and a copy of The New York Times on Tuesday. Because we all know she pours over the business section religiously, concerned about the economy and housing foreclosure rate. Clearly she’s not trying to get attention or anything, because it’s totally normal to pose in your car with your legs not evening hanging out the window but instead perched in the door jam while reading a newspaper. She is truly the epitome of both class and normal behavior. Images thanks to WENN.
