Stacy Keiblers leggy Las Vegas appearance: busted or cute?

Here are some new photos of Stacy Keibler in Las Vegas last night. She was hostessing “the Big Game Eve” at the Bellagio. I wonder how much she charged? She makes five-figures for red carpet appearances now that she’s “George Clooney’s girlfriend” but I’m guessing she makes low six-figures for party hostessing, especially for a big Las Vegas event. I still don’t really get why anyone would pay Stacy that kind of money just to attend an event solo. It would be one thing if her presence guaranteed George Clooney’s presence too, but he never comes to her events. Anyway, she looks pretty decent here. I like the mini-dress and leather jacket combo – her legs are so great, it’s nice to see her styled to look sexy and rock n’ roll, rather than aged and conservative, which is how she’s looked on the red carpet for all of Clooney’s awards shows.

Also, Page Six had another interesting item about Stacy and her money-making skills – apparently, she’s going to be everywhere during New York Fashion Week, and all of the big designers want her front row center during their shows:

Stacy Keibler may be coming soon to a front row near you. We hear George Clooney’s gal pal, a former pro wrestler not known as a fashion muse, is being offered $5,000-plus to wear jeans and other branded duds during Fashion Week, which begins Thursday. “She’s an all-American girl. She’s hot in the press right now,” a fashion marketer told us. Keibler recently signed with William Morris Endeavor, and sources say she’s upped her personal appearance fee to $25,000.

[From Page Six]

Fine, I’ll admit it. I’m jealous. This seems like a really sweet gig, and I would love to know how the business side of this goes down. Does Stacy have, like, dozens of offers from various companies, “Please wear these free jeans, and carry this Gucci handbag, we’ll pay you $10,000.” I wish I could get paid for wearing certain things. Hanes Her Way never calls, though.

Photos courtesy of WENN.
