Cressida Bonas is not the perfect choice for Prince Harry, his friends say


Here are some photos of Cressida Bonas, out and about on Wednesday in London. Long, tangled hair? Check. Jeggings? Check. Wedge sneakers? Check. Smoothie? Check. Tunes? Check. Cressida is ready to princess this bitch. Cressida was spotted picking up a smoothie and then heading for the London Underground with her ear buds in place. Oddly, I kind of wonder why she’s not at work. Doesn’t she have a full-time job now? As some kind of Executive Desk Assistant for WhatsIt Von Waiting-for-the-Ring? Maybe she just gets a lot of time off to bum around and get smoothies.

Anyway, we haven’t heard much about Cressida in a few weeks. Basically, we haven’t heard much since The Daily Mail claimed that Cressida really, really, REALLY is not interested in the marriage track. Cressy would rather go to Burning Man than waity for the ring. And now sources claim that Harry’s friends are concerned that Cressida’s head isn’t really in the game and maybe she isn’t such a good fit for Harry after all:

It sounds like not everyone in Prince Harry’s circle of friends and family thinks Cressida Bonas is the right woman for him. In fact, a few people close to the 29-year-old royal are saying he and his 25-year-old girlfriend shouldn’t get married.

“There is a growing feeling among a small section of them that Cressida isn’t the perfect choice for him,” a source tells E! News. “I don’t think it’s because there is anything wrong with the relationship or they don’t like her, but there is concern that she is too much of a free spirit to be happy in the royal family long-term. They worry that she wouldn’t be able to fully adapt to that lifestyle. They think she’s too carefree and would find it difficult to live by the protocol that comes with the job, which of course it is. It might be too much of a constraint for her. And that could cause problems for everyone.”

The news that Cressida might not be royal material is a bit of a shock considering Cressida and Harry were talking marriage just one month ago.

“Harry and Cressida have made a point of talking about marriage and what changes they’re going to have to make to their life of late,” a source told E! News at the beginning on March. “According to friends of Cressida’s, the couple have decided to try and keep their semi normal lifestyle as long as physically possible.”

And just last week, a source told us Harry and Cressida were getting on stronger than ever.

“Harry and Cress are just a great fit—she just fits into his life, with his friends. It’s all been really easy,” the source said. “They spend loads of time together, she has a load of stuff at his place and they’re really relaxed and comfortable.”

However, Cressida is fully aware just how drastically her life would change if they got married. “Up until now, Cressida has loved the fact they can have a lot of freedom in public,” the royal insider told E! News recently. “But they are fully aware once they decide to proceed to marriage things will get a little crazy and the attention on them will increase.”

[From E! News]

I know this is very conspiracy theorist of me, but is it possible that the English sources are using words like “free spirit” as a euphemism for something else? Sometimes I miss the subtext in Brit-speak, so that’s why I’m asking. I feel like “free spirit” in Brit-speak is coded language for “she sleeps around, she doesn’t shower, she’d rather date some guy in a rock band than tie herself down to a prince.” Like, Cressida is the posh English version of Kristen Stewart: TROUBLE. But really, I think all of this is code for “Cressida tried going to her princess lessons once and all she did was smoke a joint, do tequila shots and tell her princess instructors to go f—k themselves.”



Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet.
