Joan Collins, 80, says she has a lot of sex with her 48 year-old fifth husband (update)

Joan Collins and Percy Gibson
Joan Collins is turning 81 years old in May, and this fabulous bitch has a one-woman show in London’s West End, “One Night with Joan.” She’s also guesting on a British comedy called “Benidorm.” To promote her shows, Joan was a guest on Britain’s Loose Women, which is a panel talkshow that I suppose must be similar to The View except it’s probably not as annoying.

Joan gave some amazing quotes during the interview. When asked about the three most important factors in her marriage of 12 years, to now 48 year-old actor Percy Gibson, she said “sex, sex, sex.” She also detailed how she met Percy 14 years ago when they were in a play together. So that means she was 66 at the time and he was 34. Damn! And Collins talked about plastic surgery, saying she wouldn’t go in for Botox or a tummy tuck and that she uses a lot of makeup instead. I’m not buying that. Here’s more:

When asked by show anchor Kaye Adams what are the top three most important things in her relationship with Percy, she replied ‘Sex, sex, sex.’

Joan’s comments prompted laughter from the panel and studio audience and she had them chuckling again by playing down the age gap between her and fifth husband Percy.

She quipped: ‘When people ask me about age difference I say, “If he dies, he dies.”‘…

The happy couple are gearing up to celebrate their 12th wedding anniversary next week and Joan recalled the time she met Percy, who directs her new one-woman show at the Leicester Square Theatre.

Speaking to Kaye and panellists Coleen Nolan, Nadia Sawalha and Jamelia on the show, she explained: ‘In April we met 14 years ago, we were working together on a play in San Francisco that I was doing with George Hamilton. We all just got to know each other very well.

‘That’s been it, we’re very, very happy. It wasn’t an immediate attraction necessarily it was an immediate “I like this guy”.’

As well as her fetching fitted turquoise dress, Joan accentuated her look with a pair of chunky bracelets and a slick of pillar box red lipstick, and admitted she would much rather plaster on plenty of make-up than go under the knife.

The Benidorm actress said: ‘I believe strongly in make-up, the more the better. Particularly on the base. I just can’t stand needles so the idea of having Botox or having bits cut out of your stomach – I can’t go for any of that.

‘There’s so many more important things going on in the world than whether someone has had Botox.’

[From The Daily Mail]

You can see a clip of the show on Huffington Post if you’re interested. Good for Joan for getting hers! As for the plastic surgery issue, I can buy that she doesn’t get Botox or injectibles, but she’s surely had some good work done to her face. Look at how tight her neck is. I would bet she’s had a very good facelift and she let it settle. She’s 80 freaking years old, that’s not all makeup.

Update: I was just googling to confirm this guy’s age (it’s confirmed) and Joan Collins homewrecked him! I didn’t know that.

Update 2: I read that article more carefully and Percy was separated from his wife and had already filed for divorce when he met Joan, but the wife was hoping for a reconciliation. Sorry for jumping to conclusions! Thanks Roma!

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