Andy Cohen says his children can use his remaining embryos

Andy Cohen is a single dad to two children. He decided to become a dad on his own and welcomed two children by surrogate: his son, Benjamin Allen, in 2019, and his daughter, Lucy Eve, in April this year. Andy’s kids are actually a similar age to his friend Anderson Cooper’s two children, who were born in 2020 and February. Andy seems like a very happy dad and posts cute pics of the kids, but it does seem like he’ll stop at two because he talked about what he’s going to do with his three remaining embryos. He might save them for his kids to use one day? That’s a new one.

Andy Cohen is already thinking about his kids’ futures as parents.

The Bravo star, 54, appeared on Monday’s episode of Sirius XM’s Jeff Lewis Live, where he chatted about his two children, 3-year-old son Benjamin Allen and 5-week-old daughter Lucy Eve, and revealed that he would let them use his remaining embryos when they want to start families of their own.

Asked how many embryos he had left, Cohen said, “a couple.”

“I have a few. I can’t remember. I think I have three left?” he added. “You know what I’m thinking — this is crazy — but if either of them cannot have kids, maybe in 20 years they’ll defrost their sibling and raise them. Is that a weird thought?”

Cohen welcomed both Ben and Lucy via surrogate. He noted on the show that his kids are “biological siblings” and he did not use the same surrogate for the births.

Speaking about Ben as a big brother, Cohen teases that the toddler “loves her but is trying to kill her” as he is jealous that there is a new baby in the house.

“The crazy thing is, by design, I am spending so much time with him,” says Cohen. “Because, by the way, she doesn’t know what’s happening. I sit with her for a few hours a day and I’m like ‘Just smell me. Hear my voice. This is me. I’m your dad.’ But [with Ben], I’m really in there with him and I don’t know if it’s really registering how much time I’m spending with him.”

Cohen welcomed Lucy in late April, announcing the birth of his daughter in a surprise Instagram post.

[From People]

Andy asks if it’s a weird thought and I’ll admit it gave me pause at first, but it actually does make sense and he’s showing a lot of foresight. His reason honestly wouldn’t have occurred to me, but it would be a nice option to have for his children if they aren’t able to have kids of their own and want to do so with a biological connection. Andy has the money to keep paying for the embryo storage and he definitely is not the type to donate them, so why not? I also do kind of believe what he says about spending a lot of time with his kids, particularly his son. Of course he has a lot of help, but he also has the resources and access to take them around with him. Anyway, Lucy is adorable and Benjamin is cute and looks just like Andy.
