Survivor Premiere Recap 02/12/20: Season 40 Episode 1 Greatest of the Greats

Survivor Premiere Recap 02/12/20: Season 40 Episode 1 "Greatest of the Greats"

Tonight on CBS Survivor airs with an all-new Wednesday, February 12, 2019, Season 40 Episode 1 premiere and we have your Survivor recap below. On tonight’s Survivor season, 40 episodes 1 called “Greatest of the Greats,” as per the CBS synopsis, “Twenty previous winners of SURVIVOR begin their battle for $2 million, the largest cash prize in reality show history, on the special two-hour 40th season premiere.”

So make sure to bookmark this spot and come back from 8 PM – 10 PM ET for our Survivor recap. While you wait for the recap make sure to check out all our Survivor news, spoilers, recaps & more, right here!

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Tony can’t believe who is going to be competing against on this season of Survivor, he knows it is going to be a tough game. Parvati hasn’t had an opportunity to be her diabolical self in the past few years because she was busy building a family, she considers herself the phoenix ready to burn down the ashes. Ethan prayed that he would be alive to play Survivor again, and It is a miracle that he can do it again. Amber met her husband, Boston Rob, got engaged, won the show and be asked to come back for season 40, she is just hoping she can beat her husband again. Thirty-nine days, twenty people, one survivor.

The men arrive first, the women are just behind them. Sandra is shocked to see Rob and Amber, she spent thirty six days on Islands of the Idols with him on the last Survivor and he never said he was playing again, she feels betrayed.

Amber first played 20 years ago, she ended up meeting her husband and has four beautiful children. Amber says it is like a nice vacation. Jeff announces that they are going to have a little toast to celebrate, it is a once in a TV series moment. He pops a bottle of champagne and gives a glass to everyone. There will be tough times and they will be vulnerable, and a drink before war is always a good idea.

They are divided into men and women, but it is not how they are going to play. Jeff hands out buffs that are wrapped up, everyone takes one.

One the red team, Dakal, we have Tony, Wendell, Amber, Ken, Sophie, Nick, Sarah, Yul, Sandra and Tyson.

On the blue team, Sele, we have Natalie, Rob, Ethan, Parvati, Ben, Michelle, Danni, Denise, Jeremy and Adam.

There is a new currency on Survivor, a fire token. Token’s have value and every player will start the game with one fire token. If you are voted out, you must will or bequeath your token to another player while you head to an isolated and unforgiving island, Edge of Extinction, where they will wait for their chance to get back in the game. If being crowned a winner in a season of all winners, and a million dollars is not enough to inspire, how about two million. The largest cash prize in the history of reality TV.

Time for the first challenge, they will race out into the water in pairs to retrieve a ring. They will then battle their way back with the ring. The first person with a hand on the ring, one hand on the flag pole scores a point. The first tribe to three wins. Flint will be given to the winning tribe. The losers will have no fire and no rice until after the first tribal council. This challenge is also for immunity.

The tribes work hard at their first challenge, hopefully they have as much energy in the weeks to come. Dekal wins the first challenge of the season. Sele heads to their camp, there is no rice and no flint, and tribal council is not the evening, it is the next evening.

At camp, the tribes receive a framed picture that outlines what they can use their fire tokens to buy; there is, food, comfort and advantages. Nick thinks the tokens are going to be a huge part of the game, and the winner of the season will be the one who uses the tokens in the smartest way. Wendell is trying to lay low, he doesn’t want to show everyone that he can build a whole shelter because then he will be stuck at camp.

Tyson says the best thing about winning Survivor is that he can spend a lot of time with his children every day, and coming out here is tough, because he hasn’t been separated from them. Sandra is the only person that knows how it is to win twice, and she knows how it is to go up against Tony and Sarah. She is there to prove why she is the queen and she knows everybody wants a piece of her. They all want what she already has, her crown.

Rob knows he has a huge target on his back, and now that his tribe has lost in the first challenge, he is at a disadvantage – the game is on already. It has been ten years since Parvati played the game, she is no longer a flirty girl, she is married and left her 10 month old baby at home. Being a mom helps her to relate to people in a different way. Ethan says that going through cancer is hard, but surviving cancer is tough too. He played the game in 2004 and is so happy to be here playing the game that he loves. He excited to see how he plays in this new era of Survivor, he is back and ready to play.

Amber thinks it is more of a disadvantage to be on the game with Rob and it kills her that she is competing against him. Yul thinks his biggest challenge is that he hasn’t been a part of the Survivor community when he was off the show. Rob approaches Parvati and tells her that he wants to play with her. She likes him and thinks he may be someone she can trust – but she reminds him that he came after her the last time. Rob says the kids aren’t going to know what hit them. Meanwhile Danni is already gunning for Rob, but her secret doesn’t stay quiet for long. Rob goes to Danni and asks if she threw his name out, she says she threw out everyone’s name. Rob respects the fact that Danni told her the truth.

Rob says he respects her so much and he would be willing to work with her. Natalie is close to Jeremy, she says if she had to pick someone to vote out, she would choose Adam. The consensus seems to be Denise and Adam because they walked off together in the beginning of the game. Ben is happy his name is not being thrown out, he goes to speak to Adam because he knows the game. He tells Adam that his name is being thrown out, Adam is shocked, he was going to get water with Denise.

Adam goes to see Denise and tells her. Adam goes around and talks to people about splitting up Jeremy and Natalie. Rob agrees that Natalie and Jeremy are thick as thieves. Rob thinks he is in a unique position, he can choose to go either way. So there seems to be two plans, Adam and Denise, or Jeremy and Natalie. Rob tells Parvati that they are the two biggest targets and they don’t feel threatened. The two are wondering what is going on. People are so terrified to same the name of someone.

Rob knows he has a huge target on his back, and now that his tribe has lost in the first challenge, he is at a disadvantage – the game is on already. It has been ten years since Parvati played the game, she is no longer a flirty girl, she is married and left her 10 month old baby at home. Being a mom helps her to relate to people in a different way. Ethan says that going through cancer is hard, but surviving cancer is tough too. He played the game in 2004 and is so happy to be here playing the game that he loves. He excited to see how he plays in this new era of Survivor, he is back and ready to play.

Amber thinks it is more of a disadvantage to be on the game with Rob and it kills her that she is competing against him. Yul thinks his biggest challenge is that he hasn’t been a part of the Survivor community when he was off the show. Rob approaches Parvati and tells her that he wants to play with her. She likes him and thinks he may be someone she can trust – but she reminds him that he came after her the last time. Rob says the kids aren’t going to know what hit them.

Meanwhile Danni is already gunning for Rob, but her secret doesn’t stay quiet for long. Rob goes to Danni and asks if she threw his name out, she says she threw out everyone’s name. Rob respects the fact that Danni told her the truth. Rob says he respects her so much and he would be willing to work with her. Natalie is close to Jeremy, she says if she had to pick someone to vote out, she would choose Adam.

The consensus seems to be Denise and Adam because they walked off together in the beginning of the game. Ben is happy his name is not being thrown out, he goes to speak to Adam because he knows the game. He tells Adam that his name is being thrown out, Adam is shocked, he was going to get water with Denise. Adam goes to see Denise and tells her. Adam goes around and talks to people about splitting up Jeremy and Natalie. Rob agrees that Natalie and Jeremy are thick as thieves. Rob thinks he is in a unique position, he can choose to go either way. So there seems to be two plans, Adam and Denise, or Jeremy and Natalie. Rob tells Parvati that they are the two biggest targets and they don’t feel threatened. The two are wondering what is going on. People are so terrified to say the name of someone.

Rob knows he has a huge target on his back, and now that his tribe has lost in the first challenge, he is at a disadvantage – the game is on already. It has been ten years since Parvati played the game, she is no longer a flirty girl, she is married and left her 10 month old baby at home. Being a mom helps her to relate to people in a different way. Ethan says that going through cancer is hard, but surviving cancer is tough too. He played the game in 2004 and is so happy to be here playing the game that he loves. He excited to see how he plays in this new era of Survivor, he is back and ready to play.

Amber thinks it is more of a disadvantage to be on the game with Rob and it kills her that she is competing against him. Yul thinks his biggest challenge is that he hasn’t been a part of the Survivor community when he was off the show. Rob approaches Parvati and tells her that he wants to play with her. She likes him and thinks he may be someone she can trust – but she reminds him that he came after her the last time. Rob says the kids aren’t going to know what hit them. Meanwhile Danni is already gunning for Rob, but her secret doesn’t stay quiet for long. Rob goes to Danni and asks if she threw his name out, she says she threw out everyone’s name. Rob respects the fact that Danni told her the truth.

Rob says he respects her so much and he would be willing to work with her. Natalie is close to Jeremy, she says if she had to pick someone to vote out, she would choose Adam. The consensus seems to be Denise and Adam because they walked off together in the beginning of the game. Ben is happy his name is not being thrown out, he goes to speak to Adam because he knows the game.

He tells Adam that his name is being thrown out, Adam is shocked, he was going to get water with Denise. Adam goes to see Denise and tells her. Adam goes around and talks to people about splitting up Jeremy and Natalie. Rob agrees that Natalie and Jeremy are thick as thieves. Rob thinks he is in a unique position, he can choose to go either way. So there seems to be two plans, Adam and Denise, or Jeremy and Natalie. Rob tells Parvati that they are the two biggest targets and they don’t feel threatened. The two are wondering what is going on. People are so terrified to same the name of someone.

It’s time for Tribal Council. Everyone lights a torch, fire represents their life in the game. Jeff asks Ethan how it has been. He says the pace has been incredible, not like the last time that he played. Rob says the game has evolved, you either get in line or you get out. Denise says she made the worst Survivor mistake, she went to get water with Adam and got lost, big mistake. It may have been innocent, but it is what it is. Adam says he should not be a target, people are close to each other, people are married. Rob says everyone in the game should be a target no matter who they are. Parvati says they are warriors are at war with a revolver behind their back, nobody should feel comfortable. It is time to vote, Adam is up first.

Jeff has the votes. The first one is for Denise, then Adam, Denise, Natalie, Natalie, Natalie, Natalie, Natalie. He first person voted out is Natalie.

Natalie gets to bequeath her fire token to anyone in the game, she chooses Jeremy and heads to the Edge of Extinction. Natalie can’t believe that she was voted out first, she has never been voted out before. She thought she would be crying, but she is just mad. She finds a sign, it reads: This is the Edge of Extinction, you will have to work hard for everything. When fear and loneliness set in, you must find the resolve to overcome. If you are industrious you can earn fire tokens and get back in the game. If at any point you with to end your adventure raise your sail and the boat will pick you up.

Sandra is still upset with Rob, he told her for thirty-six days that he would not return to Survivor, and here he is. Therefore, Amber by default is going to be the first one voted out if she has anything to say about it. Yul, Nick, Wendell and Sophie have their alliance of four, Yul is pretty happy about it. Yul tells his alliance that Sandra is gunning for Rob.

Michelle thinks it sucks that Natalie went home, but she feels like she was left out of the vote. Ben tells Michelle that Rob and Parvati are running the show and they need to put a stop to it, he thinks they can take control of this part of the game. Jeremy is thrilled to see that he got the fire token from Natalie and he can’t wait to use them.

At the Edge of Extinction it is a new day Natalie finds the price list for fire tokens on this island. There are strategic and luxury items she can buy if she gets some tokens. She is wondering how does she get tokens on this island, and that is when she sees a bottle. Inside there is a note and it tells her to journey to the last spot where she can see the sunset. She is excited and starts to walk. She decides to go higher and hopes she can see the sunset. She didn’t come her to be on Edge of Extinction, she actually finds an immunity idol. She can sell it to one person on the losing tribe for one token.

Day 3, time for the next immunity challenge. Today they have to paddle out in the water and retrieve a bag of number tiles. They will then race back over a series of obstacles. They will use then use those tiles to release three rings and attempt to land those rings on three paddles. The first tribe to win gets immunity. Decal has one extra tribe member, Sandra sits out. Everybody else gets a minute to strategize, time to play. It doesn’t take long to tie the game, but in the end, Sele wins and Dakal is going to Tribal Council.

The consensus on the tribe seems to be Nick or Sandra, Amber is listening in and feels a little lost. Sophie thinks everyone is a threat on the tribe, everybody is so out for blood. Sandra starts to spread truth, lies and rumours. Sandra has a surprise for everyone, she found an immunity idol in her bag, she just has to give up one fire token for it – no brainer decision for this one. Sandra thinks maybe Natalie sent it to her from the Edge of Extinction. Sandra tells Tony that Tyson wants to vote him out, he flips out. Kim is getting a bad vibe from everyone, she thinks she is on the chopping block. Kim thinks the poker alliance is in trouble; herself, Amber or Tyson.

Time for Tribal Council, everyone grabs a torch and lights it. Amber tells Jeff that when two million dollars are at stake, there are no friends at Tribal Council. Sophie agrees. Sandra says the money is going to make people do a lot, even lose friendships. Time to vote. Nick is up first.

Jeff asks if anyone wants to play an immunity idol, nobody does. First vote Nick, then Kim, Kim, Kim, Amber, Amber, Amber, Amber, Amber. Amber is the second person voted out of this season of Survivor.

Amber has to bequeath her token, she gives it to Rob.

