Kourtney Kardashian dipped a pregnancy test in the toilet after the first one didnt work

I know we’ve already covered Kourtney Kardashian’s pregnancy announcement, but now that I’ve read her US Weekly cover story I wanted to report on some of the truly stupid things she said. Also, we didn’t mention that Kourtney sold her pregnancy announcement to US. A reporter for the Hollywood Reporter was on Entertainment Tonight last night and he estimated that Kourtney banked around $100k or more for that story. ET also acknowledged the Kardashians’ sick amount of media saturation and the fact that the public is burning out on them on one hand, but still paying attention to them on the other. It’s like even the most mainstream outlets realize what a joke this family is. (You can watch that segment today on ET’s website, it’s in the beginning of the full episode video.)

My favorite anecdote from Kourtney in US is about how she dipped a pregnancy test in the toilet to absorb her first morning urine because the first test she used on that pee didn’t work! Holy face palm. She has no clue that her pee would be much less diluted if she just drank some water and tried again. Kourtney also addressed the issue of how she got pregnant when she doesn’t share a bed with Scott, the presumed father of her first child.

So take us to the moment when you found out
I was four weeks along… I took a home test because my period hadn’t come. I had the tests from last year when I thought I might be pregnant… I took one and it didn’t work. It was broken! They always say your first morning pee is the good stuff, and so I took it and of course it didn’t work. I was, like, ugh! So I took another one and stuck it into the toilet! I was like, I don’t even know if that works!

Were E! cameras filming?
We actually were not filming that exact moment. I ran and told Scott, but I wasn’t sure because I had just dipped it into the toilet, so then we had to wait until a little later in the day [to do another test].

[From US Weekly, print edition, December 12, 2011]

So did the second test work or not? She’s so cagey the way she explains it that you can’t tell if that second test was positive. Here’s more from the interview:

Was [Khloe] at all conflicted about your news?
No, she was really really happy for me.

It’s clear on the show you and Scott slept in different beds. We have to ask: how did this happen?
That’s what Khloe asked! She was like, “But I thought you guys didn’t even have sex.” I was like “Just because we sleep in different rooms doesn’t mean we don’t do it.”

Mason’s birth, where you literally pulled him out of yourself, is legendary. Will you film this one?
The last one we actually filmed ourselves. And then we decided to share it because it was such an amazing experience. This time I think we’ll just film it for ourselves and see what happens.

Scott: We felt it was only fair to share that with the viewers who were attached to the ride that we’d been on having him.

Admit it, Scott, you’ve wanted to get married.
Scott: There have been times where I wanted to get married more than she did, and maybe there were even times when she wanted to get married more than I did. But at this point, I just don’t think it really changes anything. We have what we need, so that’s enough.

So Kourtney, no big wedding special like Kim’s?
I think we’re happy and it’s working how it is.

I don’t pay enough attention to this family to realize that they filmed Mason’s birth and aired it. (Daniel Craig knows more about them than I do.) They did though, you can watch it here. They show Kourtney’s labor in the hospital and at around 3:40 they show Kourtney giving birth and holding Mason right after he was born. (They film it from the side so it’s suitable for television.)

So I guess I know what Kourtney and Scott mean when they say they’ll film the birth of this second child and will “see what happens.” They’ll see how much money they can get for it, because every single thing in their lives is for sale. At least they’re not getting married yet, or more likely they’re just holding out for the best offer. ET Online reports that their wedding is “imminent,” so maybe they’re totally lying here when they say they’re not getting married so that they can sell the engagement news too.

These photos are from 11/18, 11/29 and 11/1/11. Credit: Fame
